Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Crafts and Garage Sales

We had our first garage sale outing as a married couple. I was never into garage sales...I really don't think I've ever bought anything at a garage sale before this. I don't have the patience...I didn't think I had the eye. So anyway...there was a community garage sale a few weekends ago. We drove around for awhile without finding anything. I had some things in mind that I was looking for. Finally, we drove by a house and I saw a really cute blue bench. So, we stopped and went to look at it. It sure was cute, but there was so price tag so we figured it wasn't for sale. We left and moved on to the next sale. Then Matt said, "why don't we just go ask?" So we went and asked and the woman wasn't so sure, but her husband told her they should sell it. Apparently they were moving out of the country and just needed to get rid of everything. She said it was one of their family's favorite items. The best part...TEN BUCKS!!! Everyone else at the sale was really jealous...all you have to do is ask! So...without further ado...here's our new bench. I LOVE IT. One of the things on my list was a blue chair for our living room and it's perfect.

These are a few of my crafts to date...

My book page wreath...which looks way better in person (at least I think so), and it would probably look even better with some color on the walls, but we'll have to wait til we're done with apartment living for that...

This was my very first craft. My aunt had one of these in her house and I always loved it so I decided to make one for myself. I think it's perfect in my green dining room...and so easy!

Now this was definitely an interesting project...I had read about a fabric store in northeast Minneapolis, so we went and checked it out after church one Sunday. I was in heaven - such fun fabrics! If only I knew how to sew...
Matt's friends were coming over later that afternoon, but I decided I wanted to try to cover a really ugly lampshade that was in our dining room. I had seen a tutorial on a blog so we decided to give it a shot. It took us a LONG time to come up with a plan, but we eventually used some wrapping paper to trace the lampshade...then traced it on to the fabric...then cut it out and glued it on. It looks really good from far away and adds some great color to our dining room. Just don't look too close...

So those are some of my crafts...I need some new inspiration..and some more money please.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The best thing about my college career was my girl friends. Before college, I never really had a consistent group of girl friends. I had the best roommates in college. They were girls from my soccer team and we had SO much fun...all the time. From watching ALL the seasons of Friends...and One Tree Hill...to birthday celebrations to soccer trips and trips to each other's home towns, we always had a blast. These are three of the most incredible women I've met. They are kind and loyal and funny and beautiful.
The worst part about leaving college was that everyone moved away. One lives in Wisconsin and the other two are in Colorado. It's been hard not having them close and trying to make new friends...definitely a work in progress. BUT when we get back together, it's like no time has passed. Esther flew in from Colorado last week so we had a night out last weekend. We had a blast. I haven't laughed that hard since...well, since we lived together. I am so grateful for these girls and what they bring to my life.

Complete with blue, smoking drinks...what could be better?!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I am not with my mom today. It hurts my heart that I am missing out on celebrating with her today.
My mom is incredible - these are some of the reasons...

-She is so humble
-She works harder than anyone I know...2 jobs, 7 days a week, 13 hr days...I don't know how she does it
-She is a wonderful cook - it is so effortless for her to throw things together and they're always wonderful.
-I have never met anyone who is more hospitable that her. She loves entertaining and our front door has always been open to EVERYONE. I desire for my home to be just like hers some day - a place where people want to be and people feel safe.
-She shares my love of ice cream...and she taught me to eat it out of a mug :)
-She is an incredible teacher. I often go to her classroom and am absolutely amazed at what she does with those children. She is so respected in her school, among the teachers and the students.
-She has amazing patience. I don't know how she puts up with 7th and 8th graders every day and rowdy high school kids every week. Not to mention, she's put up with her own crazy kids for 25 years.
-She has the softest skin ever
-She loves shopping with her girls
-She is an extremely talented knitter, and though I don't share the love of knitting, I can certainly appreciate her talent
-She an even more talented writer. I have always admired her writing abilities...if only she would get that first book going... :)
-She is beyond thoughtful
-She is beyond gracious
-She is beautiful. I'll never forget my high school choir concert when the 5 people around me were telling me I had a hot mom. Her beauty has always captured me
-She smoked a cigar with my brother once...I won't even do that
-She put up with our skiing trips for 10 years when she would much rather have been laying on the beach
-She has always encouraged her kids to follow their dreams and do the things that make them happy - even when it's hard for her
-She walked 40 miles with my sister and I...woof
-She always has the right thing to say, the right advice to give
-She loves God and is so good at sharing His love and His word
-She loves her children so deeply

I have the most incredible mom. I wish she could know just how much I love and admire her. She has taught me so much and she inspires me to be a better woman, a better daughter, and a better wife. She has set such a wonderful example for me when I become a mother. I can only hope that I will raise my children with the love and passion that she has taught me throughout my life. I am so grateful for my mom and I am so proud to be her daughter.

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Making a Habit

So...I'm not the neatest person in the world. If you asked my sister, she'd say I was messy and it was always my fault when our shared bedroom was a mess. I've always denied it.

I lived with a total of 11 different girls throughout college. Our room or apartment was always messy. I always denied that it was me.

Being married does not allow me to deny this anymore.

I am messy.

I'm not a dirty person. I just fail to put things away. It's just easier to drop my clothes on the floor when I change. Or to leave my shoes wherever I take them off rather than putting them in the closet.

I wish I would have taken a picture of the heap of clothes in our bedroom yesterday. I was sure it was an equal amount of mine and his clothes. Sure enough...he had ONE sweatshirt in the heap. Woops...

SO all this to say...I'm trying to make a habit. I remember hearing that it takes 21 days to build a habit. So I'm trying. I'm putting my clothes away and my shoes in the closet. I'll keep you posted.

One day down...so far so good.


One of my favorite things in the world is when my husband and I go on "adventures." I think we started this little tradition my senior year of college. One or the other would think of something fun and plan an adventure. It usually wasn't anything big...a new store, a new restaurant...something like that. I love that it doesn't have to be extravagant. It's just one person thinking about something that would make the other happy. Something that would brighten the other's day. It's ALWAYS special.

Matt took me on an adventure on Sunday. He went on a 16 mile run and came home and told me he had somewhere to take me.

This is what he found for me...

I could not believe the beauty of these trees. I was reminded of our great God - what a beautiful creation.

Oh, and I want these in my front yard some day. Please? Thanks!

Sunday, May 2, 2010